Welcome to Maradaanskin,
Just like you, millions of people around the world, desire bright, clear and smooth skin. But in the quest for that, the “healthy” skin part is not usually given sufficient consideration.
Particularly here in Nigeria, where the World Health Organization reported that at least 70% of Nigerian women use one form of skin-bleaching product or another. And as shown by several other statistics, thousands of men throughout Nigeria and Africa at large do the same. Skin bleaching products that are unhealthy for the skin – even causing skin infections and cancer in the long run.
Based on the above, the CEO of MaradaanSkin, Rafiat Salako, realised a gap. People want skincare that gives them a bright and even tone, with a smooth texture and appearance – and the majority of products in the market help them achieve some of those things, but they are unhealthy and unsafe. They bleach the skin, causing hyperpigmentation within a few months, and skin cancer and infections in the long run.
That realization birthed Maradaan Herbal Beauty in 2020 – a brand providing skincare products that eventually helped up to 2000+ people achieve Bright, Clear, Smooth and yet healthy skin.
By 2022, the skincare industry particularly in Nigeria where the brand is based was missing something huge. And while Maradaan Herbal Beauty was already providing solutions in a minimal capacity, there was a need to rebrand to better provide the needed solution in a larger capacity.

Our Story
What the skincare industry was missing is a clinically effective solution for Acne – the 8th most prevalent condition in the world. Safe and proven medical grade, chemical-based actives had to be utilized for these clinically effective products and this addition was reflected across the skincare brand as a whole. Thus, Maradaan Herbal Beauty stepped up to the challenge and became MaradaanSkin.
And since then, up to 1000 people have benefited from the workings of MaradaanSkin – including healthy skincare products that get rid of Acne, Hyperpigmentation, Ezcema and several other skin conditions; plus skincare products that nourish, smooth, and brighten skin, amongst other things.
Very recently, the focus of MaradaanSkin has also been shifted upon Children and Teens, who go through certain skincare conditions like acne, hyperpigmentation, and eczema in areas like Nigeria where effective yet healthy skin care products are limited. To provide healthy skincare products that nourish the skin of these young ones until they are independent or can make their own choices.
In all, we have taken responsibility for 5000+ skin and counting, in 7 countries across 4 continents-- we are passionate about effective yet healthy skincare.
MaradaanSkin? It means your skin is in safe, protective hands.